The Spring Refresh with Ferne

We're in full swing of Spring! It's that time of Spring Cleaning, dusting off the cobwebs and getting ready for that perfect outdoor learning weather. And with just a couple of weeks until the launch of The Big League, our first national competition for schools, we're doing more than just refreshing the home.

If you've just learned about us, you might not know about The Outdoor Classroom training and CPD sessions! As educators, our UK teachers understand the importance of continually learning and developing new skills, or building on top of learned skills. At The Outdoor Classroom, we're proud to offer a range of training and CPD, even helping schools use the app itself for staff training sessions. Let us tell you a little about some of the options we offer.

Our Outdoor Learning Expert, Ferne, has spent her career working with and advising schools on the best opportunities available for their pupils. Her ability to identify core needs in schools and find solutions is just one of the reasons she's the perfect contact for your school.

Free Demonstrations

Ferne is always on hand to welcome you to The Outdoor Classroom. This is great if you're just learning about us and want to find out more, get to know us and what we can do for your school's needs. We find demonstrations are the best way to access valuable information about our app. Teachers are stretched thin as it is, so we try to keep these as convenient and simple as possible to fit around those hectic schedules. Teachers can book our quick 20-30 minute demonstrations at their own convenience through our Calendly for tailored 1-2-1 discussions with Ferne about your school's unique needs.

Free CPD Training

We also offer CPD training to our prospective member schools. Every school is unique, so we take pride in providing tailored CPD sessions to each of our members. Some schools only require a quick, convenient chat to ask questions and run through the system with our experts.

Other schools enjoy our site visits, where we can work with their faculty in person and help prospective member schools see The Outdoor Classroom through their pupils' eyes by engaging with the programme themselves on our fun training sessions using the app!

Our current member schools can also benefit from our on-site training sessions by contacting [email protected] to arrange a visit.

Comprehensive Guides

We do all we can to keep our training opportunities concise, informative and as minimally disruptive to a teacher's busy schedule as possible. However, sometimes even a spare 30 minutes is hard to come by! We have some excellent comprehensive guides available, like our Big League Guide, detailing all the exciting things to come in our competition. You can also request our detailed Product Guide and Information Pack by contacting [email protected] for an in-depth rundown of all of the app's features, and the additional support we offer our member schools.

For more information on The Outdoor Classroom, you can contact Ferne directly at [email protected], visit our website, or book your free demonstration with Calendly.