Get Moving: How UK Schools Are Boosting Children's Physical Activity

Let's talk about something super important: getting our children more active, especially during school hours. We've all heard about the rising concerns over childhood obesity and mental health issues in the UK, but restricting activity time to pe lessons massively limits what we can offer our children. So let’s dive into some fantastic initiatives that aim to turn things around and how our very own app can make a huge difference!

Current Initiatives to Get Pupils Moving

1. The Daily Mile

One of the standout programmes making waves across UK schools is The Daily Mile. The concept is simple but brilliant: every day, children take a 15-minute break from their usual lessons to run, jog, or walk a mile. No special equipment or kit needed – just a bit of space and some willing participants. Studies have shown that The Daily Mile can significantly improve children's fitness levels, boost their concentration in class, and even enhance their mood. Pretty impressive for just 15 minutes a day, right?

Check out more about The Daily Mile here.

2. Sport England's Primary PE and Sport Premium

Another fantastic initiative is Sport England's Primary PE and Sport Premium. This government-funded programme provides primary schools with additional funding to make sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport. The aim is to increase engagement in physical activity among pupils, helping schools to hire qualified sports coaches, introduce new sports, and provide training for teachers. Schools that have utilised this funding report higher levels of pupil participation in sports, improved fitness levels, and better overall wellbeing.

Learn more about Sport England's Primary PE and Sport Premium extension into academic year 23/24 here.

The Bigger Picture: Obesity and Mental Health

Now, why are these initiatives so crucial? Well, the stats are pretty alarming. Childhood obesity rates in the UK have been climbing, with about one in three children now classed as overweight or obese by the time they leave primary school. This is not just a physical health issue – it's a mental health one too. Children carrying excess weight are more likely to experience bullying, low self-esteem, and depression. On top of that, physical inactivity is linked to higher levels of anxiety and stress.

The Outdoor Classroom: Learning and Moving

So, how can we make a real, lasting impact? Enter The Outdoor Classroom app! Our app is designed to help schools take all of their lessons outside, seamlessly integrating physical activity into everyday learning. Imagine maths lessons that involve measuring out distances in the playground, or science classes where pupils explore local flora and fauna. It’s all about making learning dynamic and engaging, while also getting those steps in.

Using the app, teachers can easily plan outdoor lessons, track their pupils' activity levels, and access a treasure trove of resources tailored to different subjects and year groups. Not only does this approach help combat obesity and improve mental health, but it also makes learning more exciting and memorable. 

Not to mention, it doesn’t take away any time from the school day, and falls within the conditions for the Sport Premium Funding as a sustainable, innovative and long lasting asset to any school.

Want to see how it works? Head over to The Outdoor Classroom and start your Outdoor Learning journey today!

Let's Get Moving!

Initiatives like The Daily Mile and the Active School Planner are making a big difference in getting our children more active during school time. However, there's always room for more innovation and enthusiasm. By embracing tools like The Outdoor Classroom app, we can create a holistic, active learning environment that benefits both body and mind. So, let’s lace up those trainers, step outside, and make every lesson an opportunity for health and happiness!

Here’s to healthier, happier, and more active children!